;Rel. Aristean ;The year 2000 used in the Gregorian calendar will not be reckoned from the birth of Christ but from the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ on the cross. This is as revealed by the Holy Spirit wherein this event happened on August 17, 2000 years ago. ;The new meanings of B.C. will be Before Crucifixion (of Jesus Christ) and A.D. will be After Death (of Jesus Christ on the cross). ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com LANGUAGE=UTF8 COMMENT=Updated April 16, 2013 \nAristean calendar see: Cal. Aristean 28.2.+68Dy =start of Christmas Season (Monday 5 May #0000 AD, Aristean Calendar) 28.2.+86Dy =Christmas Eve (Thursday 22 May #0000 AD, Aristean Calendar) 28.2.+87Dy =Christmas Day (Friday 23 May #0000 AD, Aristean Calendar) 28.2.+89Dy =end of Christmas Season (Sunday 25 May #0000 AD, Aristean Calendar) 01.7.%1996,4 =Glorious Sabbath (no-weekday, Leap Year Day #0000 AD, Aristean Calendar) 12.8. =Palm Sunday, start of Lent (Sunday 11 August #0000 AD, Aristean Calendar) 18.8. =Crucifixion Day (Saturday 17 august #0000 AD, Aristean Calendar) ;Note=formerly Good Friday 20.8. =Resurrection Eve (Monday 19 August #0000 AD, Aristean Calendar) 21.8. =Resurrection Day (of Jesus Christ, Tuesday 20 August #0000 AD, Aristean Calendar) ;Note=formerly Easter {d} 16.9. =Ascension of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Heaven (Sunday 16 September #0000 AD, Aristean Calendar) 30.9. =Ascension of Jesus Christ to Heaven (Sunday 30 September #0000 AD, Aristean Calendar) ;Note={d} 25.11. =Blessing of the Children (Sunday 25 November #0000 AD, Aristean Calendar) 31.12. =Grand Sabbath (no-weekday, World Peace Day #0000 AD, Aristean Calendar) ;These entries were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm ;http://www.geocities.com/peacecrusader888/calendaridx.htm ;http://www.geocities.com/peacecrusader888/holydays.htm ;http://aristean.org/holydays.htm ;http://aristean.org/events.htm ;http://aristean.org/proclamation.htm